Face yoga training in London and Online

A-List Stars have now turned to facial exercises instead of relying on fillers and injections.  Meghan Markle, Madonna, Nicole Kidman, Sharon Stone, Ashley Graham and Natalie Portman (to name a few) have made it known that they use facial exercises to sculpt their face.

I will work with you to reawaken your facial muscles through facial exercises. Potential results include reduced facial lines, tighter jowls, smoother skin around the eyes, a better side profile and a beautiful long lean neck.

Reasons Why I Use Facial Exercises Instead of Fillers and Injections


Exercising Muscles Reverses Their Slackness

Facial Exercises Lead to Natural Results

I’ll create your own programme

There are over 50 muscles in our face. The knowledge that nearly all are under-used in daily life is a key understanding. This under-use causes muscle slackness at an increasing rate. Exercising these muscles reverses that slackness. 

This does make perfect sense of course, and many testify to the power of exercising those facial muscles to keep their face sculpted and youthful. Not exercising one’s face muscles is missed opportunity. There’s a surprising amount of information about facial exercising available.

Call it personal training for your face!

Kylie Jenner has removed her famous lip fillers. Stars like Nicole Kidman and Jennifer Aniston say they gave up on injections after negative responses from public and media. Cosmetic trends are giving way to a more natural look.

It’s now more about wanting to look the best you can for your age, natural and refreshed, not frozen! Facial exercise plays an indispensable role in gaining the latest look.

“No one now wants to hear the comment, ‘What have you had done?" Joan Rivers loved hearing it (Bless her) but that era is fading fast

Meghan Markle, Madonna, Cindy Crawford, Jennifer Anniston, Sharon Stone, Ashley Graham, Natalie Portman have all made it known that they have learnt and use facial exercising to tone, sculpt and re plump their faces.

Note: Meghan, Ashley and Natalie are in their 30’s. More A listers now use facial exercising as their foundation beauty regime.

That’s powerful news and shows facial exercising is now relied on in preference to even the best invasive surgery.

Why You Should Call Me to Discuss Face Yoga Today

I can teach you what to do either in my London studio or via Skype

My results speak for themselves

Facial Exercising is Not Invasive

I am one of the world’s most effective facial exercise coaches in the country. I will teach you how to work your facial muscles to see positive results.

On average people notice a change after only 4 sessions with a facial coach.  I will also show you how to maintain your results at home.

New Year promotion - I am currently offering the 4th session for HALF PRICE if you pay for all 4 sessions up front.

Most of my clients are referrals from people that I have trained before. Half of them are looking for a natural anti aging solution and the other half want to soften the look of their enhancements so that they look more natural - think of Courteney Cox.

If you are ready to do something about your face but you don't want to look like you have had "work" done, then I can help.

Contact me today for a free consultation.

I will work with you to understand your concerns and then develop a bespoke programme to help you reach your goals.  Like anything, the results are cumulative.  The more you work the muscles in the correct way, the better the results. Discipline is required.  If you already exercise your body, that sense discipline is transferable to this new routine.

The face workout is much shorter and easier than any gym workout. You can sit down with your own trained fingers and work your facial muscles

Facial Exercises are Good for You

If you are ready to do something about your face but you don't want to look like you have had "work" done, then I can help. I help people of all ages.

The younger you are, the faster the results can be. But, I didn't start until my 60s, and whilst the results took a bit longer, they were still very good.

Potential results that you can expect during our journey together include:

  • Reduced facial lines
  • Tighter jowl
  • Smoother skin around the eyes
  • A better side profile
  • A long and lean neck.

These results can be achieved if you perform your bespoke facial exercise routine 3-5 times a week for 15 minutes each time.  I will be on hand to offer support and coaching to ensure you are achieving your goals. Like with anything, perfect practice makes perfect.

New Year promotion - I am currently offering the 4th session for HALF PRICE if you pay for all 4 sessions up front.

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